Shootout It Was!
Feb 07, 2009
Running the Bud Shootout is a gamble in and of itself. With two segments making up 75 wild and crazy laps, it was a fitting beginning to the start of the 2009 season. Brian Vickers started the Red Bull #83 in seventh spot and from the very beginning the most common phrase heard on the scanner for the event on Brian's radio was "three wide middle" over and over again. It was just a mess of cars all running for a million bucks!!! The occasional four wide would lead to a disaster and take out several cars. "I had a sneaky suspicion that wasn't going to work," Brian said over the radio after a large pile up. Vickers was able to keep the Red Bull Toyota in the front pack and his nose clean, barely dodging a wreck with Jeff Gordon in front of him. A quick move kept Brian in the running and eventually brought him to the lead for in the second segment. With ten laps to go, the team gambled and brought BV in to put on four fresh tires. Another late yellow, brought out a fitting green/white/checker finish and ended up in another scrap yard of cars in turn three as numerous drivers all went for the same piece of real-estate on the final lap. Brian ALMOST made it through and was clipped on the tail end of the wreck and came across the line in 12th spot. A decent start to the 2009 Season.

For those watching at home and came into the CLUB V Chat, a great time was had and hopefully this will continue at all year long. The site is free until March 1st when the official CLUB V signup begins. It's only $20 this year.

Duels at Daytona Thursday. Nationwide race Saturday. Daytona 500 Sunday. Busy week.

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  Adam beers
Posted On:Sat - Feb 07, 2009 - 11:41 PM
I don't really want to be negative, but a great shot at a win was taken away after Pemberton decided to pit while leading WITH TEN LAPS TO GO. Not the smartest move i have ever seen....
Posted On:Sun - Feb 08, 2009 - 07:44 AM
Casey Mears and Kasey Kahne kept Vickers from having a chance to win. Stewart pitted before the green-white-checkard and finished third.
Posted On:Sun - Feb 08, 2009 - 08:08 AM
I agree with Adam. His tires weren't that old. However, I am excited at Brian's chances for a win next weekend after his perfomance last night.
  Bill carson
Posted On:Sun - Feb 08, 2009 - 09:17 AM
I was just glad to see that Brian had the ability to get to the front a couple times. I hope the 500 car can muscle up a little more HP for Brian. He really struggles on the restarts. That's been a problem for a long time. Still, it was nice to see him there last night.
Posted On:Sun - Feb 08, 2009 - 09:32 AM
Gordon pitted at the same time and went right to the front. If Mears would have lined up, BV would have been to the front. Also BV was right behind Harvick when he made his move. Two words sum it up "learning experience"
Posted On:Sun - Feb 08, 2009 - 10:03 AM
Even Junior said that the tires fell off after a few laps. Track position at Daytona can be gained fairly quickly, so I feel the dission was right at that time.
There are no points. Its a win or lose situation. The team went for broke. Its unfortuanate that Brian had alot of difficulty getting around some of the cars that wern't performing that well.
All in all, the effort for the Shoot0ut makes me feel good about the upcomming duels and 500.
Posted On:Sun - Feb 08, 2009 - 11:55 AM
bv done good just had a bad pit call i think he can get the duels and the 500
Posted On:Sun - Feb 08, 2009 - 12:08 AM
The car that won the race pitted at the same time as BV and came out 3 cars BEHIND the 83...that was just some bad luck restrictor plate racin'
  Dean lunceford
Posted On:Sun - Feb 08, 2009 - 12:09 AM
bv crew chief needs to let him drive and quit with the pit stops at the end of the race,if i remember correctly i think it cost him a win or two last year also please if the mans in first with under ten to go let him go get it.
Posted On:Sun - Feb 08, 2009 - 12:27 AM
I think that Brian did a great job last night, but I do have to agree...I wasn't so sure about the pitting with 10 laps to go while in the lead. I understand that there is nothing on the line for this race, but we had a great shot at the win, which would have been amazing, and it was taken away from us becauase of pitting and just not being able to get back up there. But, Brian did a great job and raced smart and I think that there is only good things to come for this year.
Posted On:Sun - Feb 08, 2009 - 3:09 PM
Brian is my favorite driver. It seems like a good bunch of people here. I can't wait until the 500. Oh yeah, I'll have your souls!
  Race swami
Posted On:Sun - Feb 08, 2009 - 8:17 PM
Posted On:Sun - Feb 08, 2009 - 8:34 PM
Brian Vickers ran a great race at daytona. He made a name for himself and looks ready to win at the Daytona 500...Good luck BV!!!
Posted On:Mon - Feb 09, 2009 - 07:20 AM
i am big time vickers fan, but so far its here we go again, same crap different day, i hope i am wrong, good luck this year Brian, i am hoping for a top 12 this year
Posted On:Mon - Feb 09, 2009 - 08:42 AM
Brian you are great! Throughout the entire race you were there pushing on the rear of anyone and everyone, but when it was time for u to get a push no one was there for ya......if someone would have stepped up and gave u a push you could have won it!! maybe next time!! Good luck in the duels and 500!!!!
Posted On:Mon - Feb 09, 2009 - 3:08 PM
Nice Run Brian. Although I wasn't able to see it. I did hear and see the results on ESPN. Good job. Sucks you got tangled up in that last crash.

Anyways man. Good luck next week. I hope everyone brings there A-Game.
Posted On:Mon - Feb 09, 2009 - 4:19 PM
Love ya Brian!!! Don't worry 'bout Saturday night. Might as well get the bad luck out of the way b4 the 500!!! Hopefully u will do great since u r an amazing restrictor plate racer!!!! Love ya!!!!
Posted On:Mon - Feb 09, 2009 - 7:22 PM
Brian Keep going strong this year which i know you will, Don't worry about the wrecks that can not be avoided, Let the wild Man come out in you by taking more chances like K. Bush!!!!!!
TRD Must give you more horse power in the shop and a few better set ups on each Track.
You have a Very Good pit crew which we saw last Year!
Don't worry about dumb comments people make! They are not in the Race Car Driving.
Zen Master can do it on Thursday in the duels,
# 83 will be running strong, I will be watching on TV Pulling for you like allways. Keep up the good work, Your the only NASCAR Driver that never gave up going home after 12 times in one year.

#1 FAN in eastcoast CANADA
Posted On:Mon - Feb 09, 2009 - 7:32 PM
Pemberton made "A Call" and it didn`t work out. At least he had the guts to try. He did a great job for M.W., but Mikey can`t keep it outa the wall. I watched Pemberton in the garage after qualifying on Sunday and he was on his back on the concrete fixing the splitter and then he was sweeping the floor. As an ASE Master Mech and a shop owner you have to respect a guy who works that hard. He was working so hard he even for got to take of his ROLEX!! Good luck #83 car and thank you for the good racing.
Chris Steed
Posted On:Tues - Feb 10, 2009 - 3:32 PM
THe Shootout was exciting, can't wait to see what he will bring to the track next weekend. I was at the track on Friday watching practice and I got to meet Vickers and had my pic with him....It was FANTASTIC!!
Posted On:Wed - Feb 11, 2009 - 03:08 AM
OlyguR bjfedhogyjma, [url=]fuholbijanoa[/url], [link=]ogciwcdrhmbu[/link],
Posted On:Wed - Feb 11, 2009 - 04:40 AM
i thought we got rid of the ignorant crew cheif.........that is all i am going to say..........besides that i broke my remote over the whole deal!
Posted On:Thur - Feb 12, 2009 - 10:43 AM
Good luck today Brian. Go get you that first win of the season. We are pullin for you in INDIANA!!!!
  Roy sellars
Posted On:Thur - Feb 12, 2009 - 5:22 PM
Brian, Great Race, You all most got to the front, Good push to Mark Martin shows alot of respect team and Driver.
This Race showed you are back in the Grove to a Champion performing Driving. Red Bull ROCKS!!!!! #83 is Team on Track.
Daytona i see a First Win in 2009!!!!!!
Your #1 Fan in CANADA, Saint John, New Brunswick
Posted On:Thur - Feb 12, 2009 - 5:33 PM
[BAD WORD] fine racin!!! Great JOB!!! Man that was an awsome race. Lets do that in the 500.
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